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06. Double Cheeseburger - Large fries and Drink PHP - ₱258 PHP - ₱232
06. Double Cheeseburger - Large fries and Drink
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Upgrade Value Meal to Large Fries and Large Drink PHP - ₱70 PHP - ₱63
Upsize your Regular Fries & Drink to Large Size
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Upgrade Medium Fries to Large Fries PHP - ₱23 PHP - ₱20
Upgrade your medium Fries to large
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Upgrade to Large McCafe PHP - ₱23 PHP - ₱20
Upgrade your regular drink to Large
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Upgrade to McFloat PHP - ₱33 PHP - ₱30
Upgrade your Regular Drink to a McFloat
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Upgrade to Minute Maid Orange Juice/Pineapple/Iced Tea PHP - ₱12 PHP - ₱10
Upgrade your Regular Drink to a Medium Minute Maid Orange Juice
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Upgrade Spicy Chicken PHP - ₱5 PHP - ₱4
Convert Chicken Mcdo to Spicy Chicken Mcdo
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Upgrade to medium drinks PHP - ₱14 PHP - ₱12
Upgrade reg. drinks to medium drinks
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Upgrade regular drinks to Large Mcfloat PHP - ₱53 PHP - ₱47
Reg. drinks to large mcfloat